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 Dinas Dukcapil Raih Dua Penghargaan dari Rakornas Dukcapil
photo Anita Karyati -

Dukcapil Agency Wins Two Awards from Home Ministry

The Jakarta Population and Civil Registration Agency (Dukcapil) once again won two awards in the Collaborative Dukcapil and Dukcapil categories at the 2023 National Dukcapil Coordination Meeting (Rakornas) for the Home Ministry (Kemendagri).

This award is our motivation and passion to continuously provide the best for Jakartans

Achievements in the Collaborative Dukcapil category, as the Jakarta Dukcapil Agency is deemed to have extraordinary dedication in coordinating, fostering, supervising, and motivating Jakarta and Regency Dukcapil Sub-agency in improving the highest level of population administration services.

In the meantime, the Dukcapil Bisa category was shown to East Jakarta Dukcapil Sub-agency for their strong and consistent dedication and commitment to carrying out their duties according to public service rules.

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Thanks also go to Jakarta Acting Governor, Heru Budi Hartono who has provided guidance and support, including collaborators such as the Jakarta DPRD, SKPDs, institutions, and other partners for their support and cooperation.

"This award is our motivation and passion to continuously provide the best for Jakartans," he said, Thursday (2/9).

Kemendagri Dukcapil General Director, Zudan Arif Fakrulloh congratulated the Dukcapil Agency for receiving the award. To smoothen the 2024 elections, he advised Dukcapil throughout Indonesia to equalize perceptions while at the same time being firmly committed to supporting the convenience of public services.

"This year's Rakornas carries the theme 'Adminduk Digitalization for Public Services and 2024 Election'. Because with integrity and digitization, the Dukcapil population data can improve good, accurate, and simple services for people throughout Indonesia," he explained.

Seven important directives must be carried out by population administration servants (adminduk) throughout Indonesia. Among other things was revamping the entire system, thus the data produced is accurate, making it easier for the people to get Dukcapil services and execute government programs.

"We also have to improve human resources, mentality, integrity, and competition. One of them is developing digital talent, and finally creating a competitive climate by providing rewards and punishments," he stated.

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